About Us

Our Mission, Background and Sustainability promise

Our Mission

At SmartWorkPlus we aim to be experts of choice in the interpretation of data and predictive analytics to change how facilities related services are delivered and managed. By harnessing both existing and our own hard and software technologies we will enable our clients to derive tangible and measurable benefit in a practical manner. At the centre of our offer will be the maximisation of efficiency and the reduction of cost and risk. Initially locally in the UK and Ireland but ultimately within a global scale footprint.

With over 50 years combined experience in operational facilities management experience in the team, the insights we provide are practical, actionable, and focussed on driving efficiencies and reducing risk.

Today we have developed a platform that can draw and interpret sensor data from multiple sources using both our own and existing sensors in an affordable way which provides our clients with facilities related intelligent insight, on site.

Image of the SmartWorkPlus Environment Sensor on a tiled wall

Our Story

Established in June 2017 with offices based in Mid-Ulster SmartWorkPlus is a company that delivers intelligent facilities related solutions to businesses in or der to drive efficiency and reduce cost for building services and operations.

In April of 2018 SmartWorkPlus embarked on a journey to establish and roll out of a business concept based on which it could affordably utilise both existing and cutting-edge technologies and software to provide analytics to drive building related work scheduling and operational decision making in real time.


With soaring energy prices and a drive to cut carbon, organisations have looked to deploy technology to monitor energy usage. Few can detect and prevent energy wastage in unoccupied areas of their buildings. With building occupancy levels now close to 50%, building utilisation has huge ramifications on energy efficiency.

  • 20% of Global CO2 emissions are created in the construction and operation of commercial real estate. With only 50% of that real estate actually utilised, 10% of global CO2 is generated unnecessarily.

Around two thirds of current building stock will still exist in 2040. With COP26 encouraging governments to put forward ambitious emissions reductions for 2030, a retrofit solution is urgently required to make current buildings more efficient. SmartWorkPlus sensors can be fitted in existing buildings with minimal disruption.

By collecting occupancy, heat and light readings, we can put information in the customers hands which shows them the parts of their buildings that are under occupied but still being heated and lit.

The inability of businesses to access premises during the Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to a global drop in output of $28tn (IMF 2020), we will act as a considerable boon to businesses looking to return to an office environment in a safe and sustainable post-pandemic world by allowing facility managers to focus sanitisation services in targeted and effective manner and in a way that will help prevent further outbreaks.

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